Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tda 2.9

Support Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour 1. 1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour ————————————————- ————————————————- Policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting positive behaviour, eg: ————————————————- †¢ behaviour policy ————————————————- †¢ code of conduct ————————————————- rewards and sanctio ns ————————————————- †¢ dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour ————————————————- †¢ anti-bullying ————————————————- †¢ attendance 1. 2 Describe, with examples, the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting ————————————————- ————————————————-It is crucial for all s taff to be consistent as then the children know exactly what is expected of them each time they come to the child minders. It also really helps that if the rules we put into place at the child minders are then, if not already done, are put into place at home, as then this will help children to be less confused and only have one set of rules, which is why at this stage it is essential for consistency. Once the child is older it may also be helpful if the child is involved in drawing up the boundaries and rules to follow and may assist them in taking responsibility for their actions and behaviour. . 1 Describe the benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour ————————————————- ————————————————- A key way of children learning behaviour and attitude comes from watching their peers and adults around them, so if all staff can show a positive attitude and show kindness then the children will pick this way of thinking up and start acting in the manor aswell. 3. 2 Describe the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred ————————————————-It always depends on each child and their circumstances. ————————————————- For example if the child’s parents have just split up and their not seeing one of their parents they are going to be upset and angry and may lash out. This is why good communications skills with the child’s parents is key as you know what’s happening and therefore you maybe can see why the child is behaving in a certain manner. —â €”——————————————- ————————————————- Inappropriate language, taking about private parts, this should be looked into further with the child’s parents. ———————————————— ————————————————- Violence, Kicking, punching, ————————————————- ————————————————- Verbal abuse, swearing etc.. ——————â €”—————————- ————————————————- All these above should be talked through with the parents firstly, unless the child has explained that this behaviour is because of sexual abuse for example then this should be referred to social services for them to investigate. Tda 2.9 MU 2. 4 MU 2. 4:TASK 1 1. 1 Outline the health and safety policies and procedures of the work setting. If an accident occurs write down in accident book. No matter how small the injury is. With a double signature from staff and end of the day by parents Medical Records. Only prescription drugs to be recorded. Making sure the gate is always shut on the entrance to the kitchen area so the children can’t go in and get hurt or burnt. All cleaning products are locked away in the kitchen area and children are not allowed in there. Fire exits always clear and known to staff and back exit gate key on hook if needed.Making sure children wash their hands after the toilet and before eating. Continual risk assessment of new and on-going tasks and areas of the children’s surroundings. i. e. If I see an overhanging bramble/branch in the garden, I would need to cut it off and mention it to the manger before children can play. If there were objects that could cause unnecessary accident s they would need picking up. If there was lots of mess on the floor like paper that would need to be cleaned up to avoid slips. This would be the same if there was water spilt and the manager would need to be informed.Making sure all the rooms are ventilated so the children don’t get over heated and not to cold either. Staff to child ratio on walks would be one adult to two children with the nursery that can increase to one adult to eight children. All people working even the volunteers have to be CRB checked. The following are some of the legislations on which these policies and procedures are based Health and safety at work act 1974 The purpose of this act is to promote and encourage high standards at work place. It protects all the employers, employees, workers and the other member of the public who may be affected by the work activities.Kite marking CE, product safety marking When you see a product with a Kite mark this means BSI has independently tested it and has confi rmed that the product conforms to the relevant British Standard, and has issued a BSI license to the company to use the Kite mark. The manufacturer pays for this service and their product is tested, and the manufacturing process is assessed, at regular intervals. The Kite mark is the symbol that gives consumers the assurance that the product they have bought really does conform to the appropriate British Standard and should therefore be safe and reliable.The Motor vehicles (wearing of seat belts) regulations 2006 The original proposed law require all passengers aged 3 years and over to wear a seat belt in buses and coaches, if fitted. RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises are required by law to report specified workplace incidents, such as work-related deaths, major injuries, 7-day injuries (those causing more than seven day’s inability to carry out normal duties ), work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents).Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises are required by law to report specified workplace incidents, such as work-related deaths, major injuries, 7-day injuries (those causing more than seven day’s inability to carry out normal duties), work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents). Childcare act 2006 The Childcare Act, passed into law on 11 July 2006, is pioneering legislation – the first ever exclusively concerned with Early Years and childcare. Measures in the act formalize the important strategic role local authorities play, through a set of duties.These duties require authorities to work with their NHS and Job Centre Plus partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to five years of age and reduce inequalities between them, secure sufficient childcare for working parents, provide a parental information service, Provide information, advice and training for childcare providers. Food hygiene legislation 2006 Anyone who owns manages or works in a food business, apart from those working in primary food production such as harvesting, slaughtering or milking, is affected by these Regulations.They apply to anything from a cafe to a five star restaurant, from a village hall where food is prepared to a large supermarket, or to a vending machine. Manual handling operations regulations 1992 The Regulations establish the following clear hierarchy of control measures: 1. Avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable, for example by redesigning the task to avoid moving the load or by automating or mechanising the process. 2.Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided. 3. Reduce the risk of injury from those operations so far as is reasonably practicable. Where possible, you should provide mechanical assistance, for example a sack trol ley or hoist. Where this is not reasonably practicable, look at ways of changing the task, the load and working environment. 1. 2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting. All staff is responsible for the health and safety in a setting.The lines of responsibility are divided among different staff members but the manager and the deputy manager have the most responsibly and after that the room leaders or the supervisors have the responsibility for health and safety. A rota is set to carry out certain health and safety check, a risk assessment is made every morning at the start of the day before the nursery starts, by carrying out risk assessments you can reduce the risk of injury or harm, and anything that is broken or damaged or not working fine has to be removed and noted down. Whoever plans an activity is responsible for the risks or hazards involved in that activity.Any incident or accident has to be proper logged in a record boo k and has to be notified to the respective person either manager, deputy manager or the parents of that particular child. In my placement of work I am asked to report any problem or risk to my supervisor who is responsible for my assessment. For serious health and safety issues like if an abuse or serious neglect is suspected towards a child then the head can report to health and safety executives, Ofsted, child protection agency and NSPCC. 1. 3 explains what risk assessment is and how this is managed in the work setting.Daily safety checks are made to manage risk assessment like checking of all the fire exits that they are clear at all times, fire drill procedures are displayed, dangerous objects are cleared away, health and safety hazards like broken furniture, any slippery carpet , slippery surface due to liquid or sand is cleaned, check for damaged or broken toys, hygiene and cleanliness of the room, all toxic materials are locked away, electrical sockets undamaged and secured, furniture and other fixed equipment is in working order, accident/incident book on site, signing-in book out, first aid box at place and complete, no sharp edges on either toys or furniture, cleanliness of toilets, animal faeces outside the play area, entrance is secure. TASK 2 2. 1 Explain why a safe but challenging environment is important for children and young people. It is the responsibility of the work setting to provide safe environment to the children but at the same time there are always risks involved. The children will be over protected if they are not involved in any challenging activities.Children are always curious and they want to take risks like climbing ropes or riding bicycles or jumping from higher surfaces. These activities will bring in confidence in them, make them brave and strong, they will have a good feeling about themselves, and they have something adventurous to tell their parents. But at the same time it is the responsibility of the work place to have an up to date health and safety policy so as to ensure whatever activities children are in involved are in accordance with the legislations. 2. 2 Identify the difference between risk and hazard. A risk is a chance high or low that someone will be harmed by a hazard.While a hazard is anything that can cause harm. Every day life activities include a lot of risks like slipping or tripping, falling down. A child care setting on a major high road can be serious risk; the hazards involved are fast moving traffic which can be controlled by having a strong fencing. Risk is a situation and hazard is a danger that is present in that risk. 2. 3 Identify potential hazards to the health, safety and security of children and young people. The security hazards include no cctv at the entrance of the building, no fencing around the play area. Entrance is not secure, picking up of the children, unauthorized entry in the building, damage or vandalism to the building. f children are going for an outing th e potential hazards are not wearing high visibility jackets, crossing the road, the strangers on the outside, playing with poisonous plants, trying to pick something from the grass to eat, they try to reach for wires or sockets, they reach for cleaning liquids, try to go to the kitchen if its unlocked, try to go out if find a door open. The health and safety hazards are children getting injured, hurt, sick, infection spreading, being abused either physically or emotionally, if there is a fire and someone is hurt it is a hazard, the broken and dirty toys, damaged equipment, unbalanced or lose ropes or ladders in the garden, slippery surface due to snow in the garden, faeces or litter in the outside play area. TASK 3 3. 1 identify non medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting.The following are some of the non medical incidents and emergencies that can occur in a work setting, they include missing child, fire, bomb threat, unauthorized person in the building, floods, any damage or vandalism in the building, bullying, lack or loss of services like gas, electricity, heating or water, staff issues like strike, snow , closure by ofstead, a gas leak, hazardous spillage, emergency closure. 3. 2 outline the actions to take in response to the following situations: a) Fire b) Security incidents c) Emergency incidents. (This will cross over with TDA2. 2: 2. 4) 4. 1 IDENTIFY THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS WHICH MANY INDICATE THAT A CHILD OR YOUNG PERSON IS INJURED OR UNWELL.The following are some of the signs and symptoms which can be recognized when we suspect that a child or young person is not well or injured If a child is not active in the setting, sitting quietly, not involving in the other activities, showing no interest in eating, feeling low, coughing, not playing with the other children, moody ,dehydration, diarrhoea or vomiting then these are some of the signs that the child is unwell. In case of an injury if a child is not walking properly, or rubbing a particular area, feeling dizzy, bruising. The injury can be something that happened at home or happened at the setting and the child didn’t tell anyone. In case of young people they show lack of interest in studies, keeping it to themselves, not cheerful, feeling dizzy, quite. These are a few of the signs and symptoms which indicate that they are not well. 4. 2 Identify circumstances when children or young people, may need urgent medical attention.There are certain conditions which can be handled by the first aider in the setting like bruising , or a bump but when certain situation arises when a person needs un urgent medical condition like if they are hurt and there is an open wound which is bleeding, they have a serious burn, they have a head injury and they are feeling dizziness or blackouts, being unconscious or unresponsive, fractured their limbs, difficulties in breathing and blue lips or having an allergic reaction to something, having a temperature of more t han 38c, in all these cases the staff at the setting is required to call for an immediate medical help and call an ambulance and need to inform the parents or carers as soon as possible. 4. 3 Outline own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or a young person requiring urgent medical attention. This question is a cross reference with TDA 2. 2:2. 1, 2. , 2. 3. 5. 1 describe the reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses. There are different kinds of injuries that can happen in the result of an accident. In case of serious accidents like a major injury with an open wound, a head injury with dizziness, electric shock, fractured limbs or unconsciousness ,severe allergic reactions these are all serious injuries and need urgent medical attention and need more than a first aider to help around. All this has to be reported to health and safety executive, the manager of the setting and the parents. This has to be recorded in the accident record book with all the details.In case of incidents which involve minor injuries that can be dealt with the help of first aider like minor bruises, slipping or tripping, vomiting, incidents that involve bullying, damage to the building, entry of an unauthorized person they are all incidents and they have to be recorded in an incident record book with all the details and manager has to be aware of this at all times. Illnesses such as high fever, vomiting, and stomach ache, signs of cold cough or flu they have all to be recorded in the Childs individual record book with all the details. In case of emergencies like a fire evacuation, or a bomb threat they have to be recorded in the emergency record book with all the details as how the emergency was dealt with. 6. 1 Outline procedures for infection control in own work setting. There are certain procedures that have to be carried out when dealing with the infection control in the work setting. Personal protective equipment includes disposable glov es, aprons and in certain cases goggles.They have to be worn while changing, feeding, anything to do with spillage of blood, vomiting, urine or any liquids that contain the risk to spread infection. Children should be encouraged to wash hands before and after eating, they need to wash hands after certain activities like playing with sand, playing outside and while using glue in arts and crafts and after playing with the play dough. They toys have to be clean and should be regularly checked. Pedal bins are provided; paper towels are always available in the bathrooms so that children can use them whenever they come out of the toilet. The staff is advised to keep their nails short at all times and keep their hair tied up while working with children to prevent the spreading of infection.Any spillage has to be cleaned and disposed off immediately to prevent the infection. If children are ill with the symptoms or cold or flu , their parents are advised not to send them to school and have to wait for at least 48 hours before all the symptoms have gone, with other serious illnesses like chicken pox and measles they have to wait for a specific time to be returned to school and in some cases need a letter from their GP. 6. 2 Describe personal protective clothing that is used to prevent spread of infection. Personal protective clothing is a term used to describe the clothing and equipment that is used in a work setting to prevent from any infections or injuries.They include disposable gloves which can be worn while changing a baby, cleaning of any fluids like vomiting, urine or any spillage, used in kitchen and have to be disposed of every time . Disposable aprons have to be worn during the changing, feeding, cooking and cleaning; some cases required wearing of goggles. TASK 4 7. 1 Identify the procedures of the work setting governing the receipt, storage and administration of medicines. According to the guidance set out in the childcare setting ‘medicines must not usually be administered unless they have been prescribed for that child by a doctor, dentist or a pharmacist’. The workplace is not allowed to give medicines to children who are ill, but there are certain circumstances where exceptions can be made.The medicines can only be given if they needed to be but only with a written consent letter from the parents, and a doctors or GP letter. They have sign in the medicine with the manager in their child’s individual record book. The records are always kept in a medicine record book with each child’s name, age, class, the reason for the medicine, how much dose has to be given and how much was given each time, who gave the medicine and who administrate it. The medicine has to be put in a secure location that is in the office usually and can only be accessed by the manager or whoever is allowed to administrate it. The medicine can only be given by the manager, deputy manager or qualified level 3 workers.The consent form ha s to be signed by the parents at all time and each time at the end of the day they have to be informed about the dosage given and signed by the parents. 7. 2 Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners. The procedures at the workplace are carried out in such a way as to protect everyone including the children and the people working there. The main aim of the practitioners is to protect the children from any harm possible either physical or emotional. There are several procedures that are carried out from health and safety policies and procedures which ensure the protection of the children and the people working in the setting.The procedures carried out for the health and safety of children, fire drills, no unauthorized entry in the building, hygiene, safe indoor and outdoor activities, administrations of medicines are some of the procedures that are carried out to protect the children and work place. For practitioners the p rocedure that protect them include that they have to keep record of all the incidents and accidents that happen and by recording everything in the record book they ensure that all the records are up to date and if something happens in near future 5the records and the signatures are there. Practitioners are protected by not letting children go with anyone other than the parents or the authorized person, if they have to administer the medicine they need to have the consent signatures of the parents beforehand.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

One of Sandro Botticelli’s most famous paintings represents a classical myth – the birth of Venus (1485–1486). This painting shows the myth of Venus’ birth. Botticelli based the picture in a text: â€Å"the profane Birth of Venus and the coronation of the sacred Venus. It was written by Ange Poliziano, based on an ode by Hesiod. † (Berger Foundation, 2006) â€Å"The effect, nonetheless, is distinctly pagan, taking as inspiration written descriptions by the 2nd century historian Lucian of masterpieces of Ancient Greece, was made at a time and place when most artworks depicted Roman Catholic themes.It is somewhat surprising that this canvas escaped the flames of Savonarola's bonfires, where a number of Botticelli's other â€Å"pagan† influenced works perished. Botticelli was very close to Lorenzo de Medici. Because of their friendship and Lorenzo's power, this work was spared from Savonarola's fires and the disapproval of the Church. † ( Wikipedia, 2006) The picture can be divided into three parts: At the left, Zephyr and Chloris fly with tangled limbs. Around them, there are falling roses with golden hearts. At the right part, the trees form part of a flowering orange grove, related to the Greek myth of Hesperides’ sacred garden.At the center appears the Nymph, that might be one of the Greek goddesses of the seasons (Spring or Flora) which welcomes her on land; and the shell where it can be seen maybe not Venus’ birth but the moment when she lands at Paphos in Cyprus, having been carried by the shell. Tolstoy’s interpretation of art Leo Tolstoy, besides his well known literature work, has developed his own theory of art, which emphasises the importance of art to human beings through the communication from the artists to the receivers their emotions and feelings. For him art is a mean of communication of feeling rather than ideas.The artist communicates through the use of colour, sound, movement or words, an emotion or feeling that he has previously experienced. Tolstoy denies different conceptions on art, like those which say that is a manifestation of some mysterious idea, or that art is a way to let off the excess of energy stored by men, or just pure pleasure. For Tolstoy art is a mean of union among men, essential to life, fostering the spiritual evolution of humankind. Birth of Venus under Tolstoy’s perspective It can be stated that Botticelli takes from different artists and thinkers the foundations which uses to express his feelings and emotions.During his time, the renaissance, ancient mythology was admired again. Artists and men of science gathered around the princes, and they all lived together. Among these men interest in the past grew and they started to translate Virgil, Homer, Hesiod and Pindar. Thus, it was very feasible that the humanist ideas propagated rapidly. The art in Florence started to growth and the humanist ideas were incorporated into the artists’ work. To interpret art it is important to pay attention to the links â€Å"between motifs in the works in question and other cultural phenomena of the time, including literary and theological documents. † (Matthew, 1997)Boticcelli’s Birth of Venus, painted for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Medicis, is a palpable example of what Tolstoy referred in his theory. Without communication between these people it might be impossible to produce this painting. It reflects the ideas that were common among these men. Now, there is the fact of what feelings or emotions Botticelli tried to express. The story of Venus’ birth is a divine message which brought beauty to humanity. It might be understood that the painter tried to represent this myth in a valuable way. The painting communicates Botticelli’s emotions in front of the power of nature’s creative force.Collingwood’s vision of art Collingwood’s vision of art states that â€Å"th e work of art is a purely imaginary object, existing only and truly, in the artist’s mind and that it is an expression of the artist emotion. † (Collingwood, 1938) Therefore, if the work only exists in the artist’s mind, its physical representation is a way to represent it to others. The way that Collingwood sees art could be explained in this order: the artist has feelings which are unconscious, he gets aware of them through emotions and its expressions, and thus he is conscious of the feeling.Then, the way that he liberates from the oppression of these feelings is through his artistic expression. Thus, art is the way that the artist expresses his own emotions for himself. â€Å"Communicating that emotion to others is secondary† ((Collingwood, 1938) as he views artistic creation as, basically, a process of self acknowledgment. The intention is to make it understood the way that the artist who has expressed the emotion felt in having the emotion. Birth of Venus according to Collingwood’s perspective Under Collingwood’s perspective is complex to establish an analysis of Botticelli’s picture.According to his particular view of art, the painter tries to express his emotions in a way to put his mind at ease. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what feelings or emotions were â€Å"perturbing† Botticelli’s mind. He was trying to explore his own emotions, thus the only thing that can be analysed is the secondary communication, the one that is possible thanks to the fact that the artist uses to express himself a language that might be understood by everyone. What emotions were driving the painter? By looking at the picture one may asses that he feels overwhelmed and amazed by nature’s force.Also, besides the beauty of the painting, an uncommon length of Venus’ neck and the unusual angle that her left arm describes aid to attain harmony, enhancing the feeling of a subtle and tender being, as the story says, a gift from heaven. Botticelli painted â€Å"men and women†¦daddened perpetually by the shadow upon them of the great things from which they shrink. † (David, 1980) Conclusion Collingwood’s theory of art opposes to Tolstoy’s. While Tolstoy says that the only reason of art is communication, Collingwood says that art is a purely imaginary object, existing only in the artist’s mind, thus is an expression of the artist emotion.They both are aware of the fact that emotions are remarkably essential in the creation of art, but Collingwood’s account of the emotions is very different from Tolstoy’s. He says that the artist expression is a way of self liberation from the feelings or emotions, while Tolstoy’s says that the artist wants to communicate a feeling that the artist has previously experienced. For Collingwood, creation is in some way self-seeking, while for Tolstoy is an act of communication essential for unders tanding among humanity. References The Birth of Venus (Botticelli) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Birth_of_Venus_%28Botticelli%29 Rampley, Matthew, 1997 â€Å"From Symbol to Allegory: Aby Warburg's Theory of Art†. Journal article; The Art Bulletin, Vol. 79, Cowart, David, 1980 â€Å"Thomas Pynchon: The Art of Allusion† Book. Southern Illinois University Press, Wikipedia. 2006 Sandro Botticelli article. November. Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation. â€Å"World Art Treasures† R. G. Collingwood, 1938, Art as an Expression

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Stakeholders Theory Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stakeholders Theory - Case Study Example Basis of determining business relationships: As per the shareholder's theory, corporate relationships are determined by legal or implied contracts. Thus, it recognizes accountability towards those parties with whom an explicit legal agreement has been entered into. This vastly limits the scope of accountibility.On the other hand the stakeholders' school of thought Escalation in value of shareholding: the shareholders theory endorses the objective of generating higher returns to the investment of the shareholders. Whereas the stakeholders' take is that, the corporation should strive to yield higher social returns to all the parties involved with it. Objective of wealth creation: escalation in the value of shareholding will result in greater wealth creation; therefore, it is consistent with the traditional corporate objective of profit maximization. The proponents of the shareholders theory maintain this. However, the other view is that, when the interest of the stakeholders is taken into consideration then there shall be fairer distribution in addition to wealth creation, which will promote the general welfare of society. The Tinged Shareholders theory contains a reconciliation of the main ideas of the two schools of thought. It makes allowance for moral and social obligations and at the same time retains the director's fiduciary duties and holds them responsible to the shareholders. The conflicting grounds of the normative and instrumental approaches are blurred in this theory. The traditional profit-maximizing objective of the shareholders theory is maintained, while incorporating the corporate social responsibilities as well, therefore it is consistent with moral duty. c) I find the stakeholders theory rather convincing. The recognition of commercial pursuits and social obligations appeal to me. The stakeholder's theory can justifiably claim to be superior because it upholds the interests of the owners without neglecting social welfare. If a company is profitable but its employees are a harassed lot, or its suppliers are bleeding dry because of the constant pressure of cutting costs, it defeats the purpose of corporate social responsibility. Singular motive of wealth creation can be ruthless if fair distribution and social welfare are neglected. A company owes responsibility towards it's employee's for improving their quality of life as much as it owes to it's customers for rendering quality at reasonable prices. .Wal-Mart is a case in point. This example demonstrates that commercial quests should not be divorced from social responsibilities.Wal Mart is the largest retailer in the world with a 20% market share in America and a formidable presence in retail in most parts of the world. It has gone overboard in its attempts to cut costs and increase profit margins. Recently exposed practices include locking overnight workers in its stores, allowing Wal-Mart maintaince contractors to use illegal immigrants as janitors. It is also known

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 17

Human Resource Management - Essay Example erms of cost, total business performance, culture and even corporate image if the organisation maintains effective recruitment and selection procedures. This paper describes the many advantages for contemporary organisations in maintaining quality human resources systems related to hiring employees. There are tremendous pressures being placed on the modern organisation in terms of maintaining competitive advantage and sustaining strategic superiority over competing firms in the business environment. Total business performance and the management of internal quality are two primary objectives of most members of the management hierarchy (Williams, McHugh & McHugh, 2005). The total quality management focus involves aligning all aspects of the organisation, for instance from manufacturing (if relevant) to finance, all employees are expected to conform to a well-identified model of expected business performance. Ahmad & Schroeder (2003) offer that many organisations fail to recognise the importance of total quality management (TQM) in their recruitment and selection practices, thus providing the organisation with opportunities for failure. The authors propose that in recruitment, the human resource division in today’s organisations focus strongly on prospective employee techni cal skills but focus very little on the soft skills of employees such as personality-based and behaviour-based competencies. It is suggested that soft skills are most crucial to total quality management as it is these talents which determine levels of individual motivation or whether the candidate will evolve successfully to adopt the prevailing culture and attitude in the business (Ahmad & Schroder, 2003: 542). Under a less TQM-focused organisation, technically-skilled candidates can be selected for their individual, mechanical talents and perform to job role expectations efficiently. However, today’s businesses require leaders who must adapt to project team coordination, work with a variety

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Isaac Newton is a great man Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Isaac Newton is a great man - Research Paper Example Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, England in 1642 and grew up to be an authority in Mathematics, dynamics, celestial mechanics, astronomy, optics and philosophy (Newton). His life appears to have been influenced by the death of his father who died few months prior to Newton’s birth (English-Online). He took charge of his life early in his life, waiting on tables and doing menial jobs for wealthy students to pay for his school fees, which shows his great love for education. His mother had remarried and left him under the care of aged grandparents who could barely support him, but this did not deter his quest for learning. During his youth, he is known to have been interested in mechanical devices, doing many experiments and building many devices (Newton). He is known to have built a mill model, clocks and kites among other devices, which he experimented in his neighborhood, with some of the experiments greatly frightening his neighbors. He drew many drawings and architectur al diagrams on the window edges and walls of his Woolsthorpe home which included drawings of men, animals, birds and also plants. During this time, he is known to have been influenced by the book; ‘mysteries of nature’ by John Bates (Newton). He had his early education at Skillington and Stoke which is thought to have started when he was five years old. Newton the proceeded to King’s school in Grantham during which time his step father died and his mother went to their Woolsthorpe home (Newton). The mother removed him from school and intended to make him a farmer, but Newton was not interested in farming but had a great thirst for learning. John Stokes, master of the Grantham School and William Ayscough, Newton’s uncle intervened, leading to the decision to prepare Newton for University, which was done in 1661, with entry to Trinity College, Cambridge (Newton). It is at this college where he is thought to have made his mathematical discoveries where he had easy access to the college and university libraries where he spent lengthy hours of study. It is also assumed that it was in the rooms of the Trinity College where he did the experiments of the dispersion and refraction of light, and probably done the one on the pendulum to explain about the earths pull of gravity. The experiment about the falling apple, which Newton said explained about the idea of gravitation, was done either at Boothbay or at the Woolsthorpe house (Newton). Isaac Newton was a very ambitious scientist who did his researches very conclusively and had a firm belief that everything in nature had an explanation in mathematics, but not all scientists during his time concurred with him. He was so engrossed in his work and researches that he did not have many acquitances and did not also marry. When for example he was writing the principia, which is the mathematical principles of natural philosophy in the Latin language, he rarely left his room and ate little food or ev en none at all, had unkempt hair and worn out shoes, and also very rarely went to the chapel. Isaac Newton contributed much through his research and discoveries in many of the fields in which he was involved. In the field of mathematics, his most notable work was in calculus, and other fields of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Future Developments of Power Electronics Devices and its Applications Essay

Future Developments of Power Electronics Devices and its Applications - Essay Example Based on wide band gap (WBG) semiconductor materials such as Silicon Carbide and Diamond, power electronics could up the efficiency and reliability of the next generation electric grid, as they are able to route power more quickly and handle high voltages (Perret, 2009). They can operate at higher temperatures and have relatively low thermal resistance thereby allowing for better cooling.This kind of strength gives them an edge over other electronic devices made for the same function.If successful, the semi-conductor technology will improve performance of power electronic applications such as electric vehicles and motor drives and also lower their costs. They will facilitate greater adoption of the vehicles and as a result reduce U.S oil imports, and this gesture would result to a stable economy in the country (Sira and Silva-Ortigoza, 2006). More efficient power electronic systems could lead to lower electricity consumption reducing harmful related emissions as well as less energy u se saving many families and business owners a lot of money spend on power bills.In conclusion, power electronics semi-conductor devices are the next big breakthrough in power electronics and upon their successfully being inculcated in the electric grid, they will result in energy saving as well as environmental conservation through reduction of energy related emissions that are harmful. They however face the challenge when it comes to designing new device types to exploit these devices. A lot of research needs to be done on it to ensure success.â€Æ'

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Risk Management Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Risk Management Issues - Essay Example 54, 2009). One decision that appears from this scrutiny is the quantity of resources that the organization should have to provide cushion for potential failures that can take place during the way of its trading actions. In view of the fact that trading revenue is doubtful, despite the fact that, a significant risk management activity concentrates on the risk extent crisis - calculating how huge potential failures could be. Corresponding activities entail the examining as well as enforcement of risk-related trading restrictions, by this means helping the risk amended performance assessment of individual trading bureaus (Chapman & Ward, p. 42, 2003). These two phases of the risk management function turn the resources distribution decision into an optimisation issue: very small sum puts the firm in front of extreme levels of risk, although excessively huge sum increases financing expenditures as well as lessens productivity. The point of complexity with which the risk management role is carried out has progressed considerably during current years. Evidently, there are still significant issues whose answers would improve the task’s usefulness all the more. These issues come under three groups: (1) risk management functions, (2) risk forms, and (3) risk measurement execution concerns (Abkowitz, p. 76, 2008). The risk management issues put huge stress on attempting to get the â€Å"probability distribution† for the income of the entire company. Risk managers are particularly â€Å"interested in the extreme left-hand tail of this distribution as a predictor of the largest ex post loss that the firm could experience† (Olson & Wu, p. 65, 2007). After that, to offer assurance of firm-wide solvency, the organization would have resources more than that quantity. Then again, this whole quantity of resources should as well be distributed between the individual trading bureaus so that their job can be assessed on a risk-amended base. As a result of unsati sfactory correlations with bureaus’ revenue flows, the level of possible failures for the entire organization is not more than its total for the individual trading companies, forming the following procedural problem: if risk managers assess the company’s resources satisfactoriness condition initially and after that disaggregate the outcome for distribution to individual companies, they are susceptible to reserve misallocations between bureaus (Khan & Zsidisin, p. 89, 2011). The substitute of calculating capital prerequisites on the individual company level primarily and after that combining the outcomes with the help of a set of approximate correlations, alternatively, is prone to the possibility of overcapitalising the company altogether. Despite the fact that a lot of companies acknowledge the contradiction of depending on both approaches, the most excellent existing practice in the derived business supports the â€Å"bottom-up approach† (Smith & Merritt, p. 7 9, 2002), to a certain extent due to a custom of calculating the different sorts of risk (such as credit, marketplace, functioning) autonomously as well as being acquainted with the different comparative significance of these risk forms amid companies. The expansion of a incorporated tactic which conserved this point of specialisation devoid of giving up exactness on the universal level would be a considerable step ahead. Authoritarian organizations force funds prerequisites on

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Taxes or tariffs on imports in Saudi Arabia Essay

Taxes or tariffs on imports in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example However, Saudi Arabia imposes 5 percent duty of customs upon majority of imports that are dutiable. Although 5 percent customs duty is charged on majority of dutiable goods, certain imports attract a higher duty of 12 percent ad valorem on cost, insurance and freight value commonly known as C.I.F while other imported commodities are charged 20 percent customs duty so as to protect the national infant industries. Commodities covered by customs duties of 20 percent include; Bottles and flasks, Ice cream without cocoa, Chocolates, Chewing gum, Aluminium barrels and cans among others. This is among the government’s undertakings to ensure growth of industries in this nation of Saudi Arabia. ( Contractors in Saudi Arabia are required to purchase materials and equipments locally but if the materials are not available then they can import from foreign countries at zero to 4 percent tariff rates. Tobacco is charged the highest rate duty of 1 percent. This high duty is meant for discouraging its smoking and other ways of consumption in the nation since it is harmful to humans. It is therefore evident that the government of Saudi Arabia has, to a great extent, used tariffs and taxes on imports as a control measure in the country. In addition to the above taxes, 5 percent common external tariff which was established by the gulf cooperation council (GCC) forms part of tariffs charged in Saudi Arabia. GCC is formed by six states in membership which are Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar. All imports coming from GCC’s states are usually exempt from any duties. Originality of these goods requires that 40 percent of value be added internally. In addition, special concessions are given to members of the Arab league since they are happen to be signatories to the agreement that is meant to facilitate trade as well as exchange and also to organize transit of commodities between the Arab league states. Further duty red uctions are given on commodity imports from the Arab states which have entered bilateral agreements with this nation of Saudi Arabia. It is worth noting that only a few items have their customs duties calculated based on metric weight and capacity as opposed to ad valorem. However, the rates for such limited commodities are relatively low. ( SYSTEM USED The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) of the international Brussels agreement of 14 June 1983 have been in use in Saudi Arabia since 1991. This system came into being after authorization by the Royal Decree Number M/56 and that is dated 19/10/1407 H., and it was ordered to be put into function by the Minister for Finance and national Economy in Order No. 3/1805 dated 19/10/1410 H. This is the main system used by the customs department of Saudi Arabia In determining the rates of taxes applicable to different imported commodities. It gives provisions of classification for entirely every commodity that has a possibly of being imported. ( SAUDI ARABIA’S ECONOMY. Saudi Arabia, being an oil rich kingdom has one of the most vibrant economies in the Gulf region. Buoyed by clear focus on economic diversification and record oil prices, the kingdom of Saudi represents exciting

The Effect of English Law Human Rights Act 1998 Essay

The Effect of English Law Human Rights Act 1998 - Essay Example The courts in the UK are required to give effect to the provisions of the ECHR, which bestows new powers upon the UK judges. It also requires public authorities to comply with the provisions of the ECHR. In the area of employment law, the HRA focuses on unfair dismissal of employees. The present employment law is effective in protecting the interests of employees. However, in the wake of the HRA, employers would have to be more cautious in their dealings with their employees (Human Rights Act takes effect, 2000). The Human Rights Act 1998 introduces several provisions that relate to employment law. The Act prohibits the unfair dismissal of employees. For instance, Eurostar, reinstated two female employees, it had dismissed for wearing trousers, due to the enactment of the Human Rights Act. The dismissal of female employees, on grounds of inappropriate dress, is generally on the basis of a substantial reason. This clause has been removed by the new Act. However, it does not provide any novel and enforceable rights to employees (Hirst, 2000, 3). Some rights under the European Convention on Human Rights, such as the Article 3 rights that prohibit torture, or subjection to inhuman or degrading treatment, are absolute rights. Judges are required to maintain a balance between the rights and the responsibilities of individuals with regard to their commercial interests. Article 9 provides the right to hold religious beliefs. This is an absolute right; and individuals have the right to manifest their religious beliefs through worship, teaching, practice and observance. These activities can be conducted, either in private or in the public (Lammy). Although it is absolute in nature, it has to be limited to ensure the interests of public safety and to protect public order. The rights and freedoms of people belonging to other religions have to be respected. As